
的 flipping of the calendar to a new year is always a great chance for reviews, 重新评估和解决方案. Now is the perfect time to take a look at your shipping strategies 和 give them a polish 和 an upgrade.

Important questions to ask yourself at the edge of the new year include: “What about my current shipping strategies are working 和 what needs to be improved or added? 以及“我的客户最需要的运输解决方案是什么?? “

在最近的一篇文章中, we talked about the best ways to conduct a year-end review to identify the challenges 和 successes of your small or mid-sized business (SMB) shipping over the last year. 现在是时候接受这些发现了, 将它们与物流行业可预见的趋势相结合, 并将其转化为强大的运输解决方案.

准备好比以往任何时候都更强大地开始2023年? Read on for our top six ways to update your shipping strategy for the new year!

1. 进行有指导意义的年终总结

如上所述,这是关键的第一步. 如果你还没做过, a review should be undertaken before you dive into the rest of your new shipping strategy. After all, you can’t prepare for the future if you haven’t learned from the past!

的 年终总结的最佳方式 is with guidance 和 support from an experienced third-party logistics (3PL) provider . You want to have the assistance of a 3PL who underst和s the challenges that are unique to small business shipping 和 can offer insights 和 solutions.

一旦你完成了你的回顾, you’ll have a good underst和ing of the people 和 processes that are making positive contributions to your shipping operations, 以及需要改进的地方. 的se insights are golden 和 should form the basis of your shipping strategy going forward.

2. 控制成本

高企的通胀尚未得到控制, 因此,您需要将成本控制纳入2023年的运输策略中. 一些控制不必要开支的好方法是:

  • 避免不必要的费用. Take a few moments to correctly enter vital information such as weight 和 class during the quote stage of every shipment. A few extra minutes can save you a lot of extra dollars in avoidable fees for reweighs 和 reclassification.
  • 评估你正在使用的速度和运营商. Are you paying for faster delivery times than your customers require or expect? Should you consider other carriers besides the ones you are accustomed to so that you have access to more shipping options?
  • 准备合适的包装尺寸. Avoid the temptation to save a few pennies by reusing boxes or pallets for your freight. You’ll lose far more money dealing with lost or damaged items that weren’t packaged sturdily enough. Make sure you are also always using the right-sized pallet for your packages, as larger dimensions will cost you more even if the items could fit onto a smaller container, 以及减少箱子的数量,你可以装在一个托盘上.
  • 通过保险保护你的利润. You can eliminate the financial burden 和 inconvenience of replacement products 和 parts by adding cost-efficient shipping insurance to your shipments.

3. 为永久的旺季做好计划

曾几何时, the cold months of the year around the holidays were considered to be peak shipping season, with a predictable fluctuations  in volumes the other nine months of the year.

没有更多的. 过去几年,季节性航运周期被颠覆了, 现在我们只剩下了旺季和最繁忙的季节. 这对你的运输策略意味着什么 is that you need to build more time into your processes wherever possible to account for increased shipping volume throughout the year. 载波容量不是给定的,你应该确保你有一个 与您首选的货运公司保持良好的关系 by paying your invoices on time 和 avoiding last-minute changes 和 cancellations whenever possible.

除了, 在过去,准时交货可能会勉强过关, 但聪明的托运人会寻找提前计划的方法. 在你经常使用的包装物品上保持充足的库存, 和 make sure you’re setting realistic delivery timelines with your customers 和 communicating throughout the shipping process.

4. 关注环保

的re’s an ongoing 和 increasing push in the freight industry to counteract waste 和 improve efficiency 和 sustainability, 尤其是小批量出货的时候. Consider consolidating your shipments into full truckloads (FTL) to reduce your overall number of less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments. 压缩货物对环境有好处  你的预算.

其他方法 将环保理念融入到你的货运策略中 include using nature-friendly shipping boxes 和 going digital with your shipping paperwork.

5. 巩固你的供应链

Having done a deep dive into your supply chain as part of your year-end review, you’re ready to see where you’re doing well 和 where there’s room for improvement.

公共区域 货运供应链可以收紧 作为整体运输战略的一部分,包括:

  • Improving transparency 和 overall communications with your supply chain. 如果出现任何潜在的中断,计划主动通知你的团队, 设定期望和备用计划,以防意外事件发生.
  • Considering an investment in technology such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) trackers. 的se tools eliminate the need for inventory h和 scans 和 the errors that often creep into that process, 同时也能更好地了解你的库存.
  • Redesigning or rearranging your warehousing 和 work areas for better efficiency 和 maneuvering for your team members, as well as reducing clutter or places where important items can “sneak off to. “

6. 确保与合适的第三方物流公司合作

All the planning 和 strategizing in the world will be for naught if they don’t align with the unique needs 和 challenges of your SMB. Partnering with the right 3PL is the final piece in the puzzle when it comes to perfecting your shipping plan.

澳门威尼斯人直营网站提供了 定制和个性化的运输解决方案 为全国成千上万的中小企业提供服务. Our team of shipping experts excel at assessing our customers’ shipping operations from top to bottom 和 assisting them in the development of unbeatable shipping strategies. We underst和 small business challenges because we are a collection of franchisee-owned small businesses. 让澳门威尼斯人直营网站的专业人士 帮助您使2023年成为航运空前成功的一年!



Learn how the perfect third party logistics partner can assist your year-end shipping review 和 provide you with invaluable 和 actionable insights.
